As you all
might remember, Mike Pollman's senior year the Wakonda-Gayville-Volin
Panthers won the class 9A state championship against Kimball.
That season they went undefeated on their way to their state title.
That title was the most previous state title a Wakonda football team
has had but it won't be the last. The other seniors on the
Championship team included: Sam Johnsen, Eric McCue, |
Dan Freng, Don
Logue, Daniel Wieman, and Keith Light. Mike, along with Eric,
dominated the opponent's offensive line every game. Nobody
could run on them. Mike was also involved in track and field,
throwing the shot put.
Today, Mike has a
successful business, Pollman Excavation, and has a wife and a new
baby son, Miles.
Love and
by Courtney Nelson
What do you
get when you mix a schizophrenic girl, a deranged lawyer, a wife
whose husband's in jail and a nervous secretary? You get the
one act play "Love and Anger" preformed by the Wakonda drama
A brief synopsis of the play is that Peter "Petie" Maxwell, played
by Patrick Morrison, is a lawyer who has just been through a stroke
and lost some of his brain. However, he thinks he's been "reborn"
and goes insane. He leaves his successful job and tries to
over-throw the government from a slummy law office. There he causes
trouble for
Gail Jones, played by Jeanie Stockland, whose husband is sent to
prison. Maxwell works to get him out when John "Babe" Conner,
played by Andy Jensen, gets involved in the fiasco.
Apparently, Maxwell has been harassing him to shut down his paper.
Conner turns to Maxwell's ex-partner, Seana Harris, played by Katie
Sokolowski to stop the maddness. Soon, Maxwell involves his
secretary, Eleanor Downey, played by Courtney Nelson and her
schizophrenic sister, Sarah, played by Adrianne Logue, in on the
To make a long story short, Petie ends up dying of a stroke and with
him brings the demise of his plans.
The competition was a disappointment, going over the time limit by
mere seconds. On the other hand, the cast received nothing but good
remarks from the judges and Katie and Patrick even came away with
outstanding actor and actress awards. Perhaps there might be a state
title down the road for our Drama program.
The Café:
Hub of the Town
By Phillip Devine
Every town has
a place where people gather, and that place in Wakonda is
Steffen's Grill & Bar, commonly referred to as "The Café."
Anything that could happen, happens at the Café.
Recently, (late fall/ early winter), the Steffen family bought the
Wakonda Community Café, making it The Steffen Grill & Bar.
When they bought it, they didn't change what the people had already
fell in love with. Their speedy service and wonderful food
drew people to it, making it a prominent business.
Since The Café
has become popular, people have started to make it a habit to go
there at certain days at certain times. At the beginning of
the week on Sunday, the day starts out with your traditional farmers
coming in and drinking their coffee, and talking until they feel
they want to leave. Then come the people just getting out of
church at around ten, and they have their lunch and socialize with
each other, and at noon a group of ladies also comes in. At
2:00P.M a group of people normally come in and start to play
pinnacle. This sometimes might |
last much into
the night. During the week the farmers still continue to come
in on the mornings and during the day. Other things that might occur
are people getting together to watch sporting events, do homework,
or hang out there after games.
The Café has made a big impact on our community. It may have
just given us someone something to do. In the future, we can
only hope that it will have more success then it already has.
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